This page is maintained by Prof. Dr. Johannes Marx and Maximilian Noichl from the Faculty of Social Sciences & Economics at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg. For inquiries regarding the contents of this page, please feel free to contact Maximilian Noichl under: maximilian.noichl (@)
Our physical mailing address is:
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Feldkirchenstraße 21
96052 Bamberg
For institutional requests, please contact: sekretariat.poltheorie (@) or johannes.marx (@)
You can also reach us by phone: +(49) 951 863-2640 / +(49) 951 863-2639
The header-images on this site were created by Maximilian Noichl from Photographs contributed by Daniel Mayerhoffer and Johannes Marx, as well as from Images from the Open Access collection of the Rijksmuseum. The photographs of persons on the project pages belong to the depicted persons.